Sadly, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will not be holding their beloved Light the Night walk around DC's National Mall this year. However, there are different ways that you can march in spirit around your local area while raising money for charity.
Summer days can start feeling monotonous especially now that COVID 19 has interrupted our vacation plans, but virtual marathons are a great way to stay active while supporting charities and advocacy work!
NAMI WALKS Saturday, September 19
The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Northern Virginia or NAMI NOVA is a non-profit advocacy group that supports those living with a mental health condition through raising awareness and providing essential education on mental illness to thousands of individuals each year.
NAMI Walks will be hosting its first virtual marathon on September 19th. There's even an opportunity to create a team for NAMI Walks, so if enough members for Young Hearts are interested in walking and creating a team, then email youngheartsltn@gmail.com and tell us you're interested!
There are no boundaries to where you can walk for NAMI! Walk 3,500 steps or a 5K to support the virtual marathon or host activities such as a bakeoff or virtual sip-and-paint party! Post a picture and use the hashtags #MentalHealthforAll #NotAlone #NAMIWalksNoVa to spread the word! Walkers that raise $100 or more receive a 2020 NAMI Walks shirt.
Register here as a walker, team member, or team captain!
Woodson's Runathon August 16-22

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund is an organization that advocates for racial justice and inclusivity through public education reforms and litigation. By donating to the NAACP, you will be helping them diversify the school curriculum and introduce POC authors, poets, and artists to our classrooms.
Woodson is hosting their first virtual runathon where each mile you run, they will directly donate $1 to NAACP. Your walking can be anywhere from a treadmill in your own house to a hike around Scott's Run Nature Preserve. You can even receive a free t-shirt if you walk or run your pledged miles!
2020 Hopecam 5K Virtual Run/Walk October 9-18

COVID 19 has not only affected the majority who are stuck in their houses but also children with cancer who are now more isolated than ever in their hospitals.
Hopecam is an organization that realizes that overnight stays and appointments in hospitals may prevent adolescent cancer patients to actively participate with school and their friends. Hopecam's mission is to provide technology assistance through tablets, computers, and virtual games inside children's hospitals to "help kids feel more supported and less depressed through the power of connection."
The last day to register online for this event is Thursday, October 8 at midnight.
Registration fees for the 5K are $40 (if you're over 12 years old) and $20 (if you're under 12 years old).
Registration fees include the SWAG race packets that will be mailed to your home which include a commemorative race shirt, medal, sunglasses, and other Hopecam swag.
Register here.
With these virtual events and many other charity runs that will be coming up, I hope that you keep busy and enjoy the rest of your summer!