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Our Story




What began as a small group of family and friends, determined to continue a young boy’s fight against cancer, has evolved into so much more than any of us could have imagined.


Our Initial Inspiration – Ryan McLaughlin


Ryan McLaughlin was an adventurous 11-year-old when he was diagnosed with t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia – an extremely rare form of leukemia – in 1998. Already wise beyond his years, Ryan was forced to face a grown-up battle. A time when he wanted to play hockey with his friends or build rockets in shop class, he had to focus on fighting for survival. Chemotherapy, radiation, tubes, IVs, side effects, medication, medical jargon, chances of survival, transfusions, scans, and spinal taps all became the center of his young life.


On September 16, 1999, over a year into Ryan’s treatment and just two days before his 13th birthday, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) held the first DC Light The Night Walk. Ryan walked, alongside his parents and three sisters, carrying a white “survivor” balloon. The short walk drained nearly all of Ryan’s remaining energy…but he kept walking. He was amazed that so many people were out there fighting for him and other patients.


Ryan and his doctors put the disease into remission three times, but the last of these left his immune system without the ability to resist infection. Ryan lost his battle in December 1999, at the young age of 13. Ryan left behind a heartbroken, but strong, family; his parents, Mike and Prince, and his sisters, Sarah, Mary, and Regan.


We Keep Fighting – The Young Hearts


In 2000, a group of family and friends banded together to continue Ryan McLaughlin’s fight against blood cancer. Ryan’s older sister, Sarah (then 16), partnered with her friend, Julia, to create a Light The Night Team…a team they named “Young Hearts.” They gathered elementary, middle, and high school students and set a goal to raise $1,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Young Hearts were astonished when we were able to raise more than $4,000 – combined with the funds raised at the first Ryan McLaughlin Memorial Golf Tournament, our community was able to donate over $10,000 to this worthy cause.


The Young Hearts Light The Night team has participated in the DC Walk every year since 2000. The Team Captain role passed from sister to sister (Sarah to Mary to Regan), with some wonderful family friends stepping in from time to time (Andy, Alli, and Margaret) to take on that role – eventually leading to the creation of a leadership committee. Building on our success and creative fundraising each year, the Young Hearts have continued to support the LLS mission to find a cure for blood cancers and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.


Our Impact in the Community – The Young Hearts Foundation & High School Club


After nearly a decade participating in the Light The Night Walk, the Young Hearts applied to become an IRS-recognized non-profit organization. In 2008, The Young Hearts Foundation was created as an official 501(c)3 organization with a mission to improve the lives of young people affected by long-term illness through raising funds for medical research, providing support for families affected, and raising awareness.


In 2009, the Young Hearts Club was created at WT Woodson High School in Fairfax, Virginia. This club, run by an incredible group of students, is dedicated to supporting students and their families facing serious medical challenges, to bring awareness to these issues and to fund research for cures and treatments. Each year, one student leader takes on the role of Young Hearts Team Captain for the LLS Light The Night Walk, and all club members are encouraged to participate.


Notable Moments in the Young Hearts’ History



The Young Hearts Light The Night Team is created and the first Ryan McLaughlin Memorial Golf Tournament takes place.



The first Young Hearts Battle of the Bands is held to raise money for LLS.



The Young Hearts are invited to sing the National Anthem on stage at the 2006 Light The Night Walk in Washington, DC.



The Young Hearts present their first completely student-run, full-length musical production, Pippin.


The Young Hearts are honored to receive the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Chairman Citation Award (recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of individuals who have demonstrated significant dedication and commitment to their chapter and are deserving of national recognition).


The Young Hearts Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is created. The Foundation creates a broader mission to improve the lives of young people affected by long-term illness through raising funds for medical research, providing support for families affected, and raising awareness.



The Young Hearts present their second completely student-run, full-length musical production, A Year with Frog and Toad.


The Young Hearts Club is established at WT Woodson High School. They define themselves as a group of students dedicated to supporting students and their families facing serious medical issues, to bring awareness to these issues and to fund research for cures and treatments.


Andrew Kepley, a founding member of the Young Hearts, takes on the big challenge as a candidate for the National Capital Area’s Man & Woman of the Year campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. A 10-week fund raising competition, The Man & Woman of the Year campaign challenges local area professionals to raise as much money as possible in the short time allowed. Andrew’s “2X Strong” Campaign, dedicated in honor of his brother, Patrick, led him to be named Second-Runner-Up for Man of the Year.


Celebrating their 10th DC Light The Night Walk, The Young Hearts arrange an on-stage, large group hair donation to benefit Locks of Love. With the help of Alexandre de Paris Salon, 19 girls donated at least 10 inches of their hair to create wigs for children with medical hair loss.



Mary McLaughlin (Ryan’s younger sister, former Young Hearts Team Captain, and now member of the Board of Directors) becomes the youngest candidate (21 years old) to ever be nominated and participate in the National Capital Area’s Man & Woman of the Year Campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The first college student to take on this challenge in the area, Mary is named First-Runner-Up for Woman of the Year and is awarded the Community Involvement Award (thanks to the incredible support of The Young Hearts and the local community!).


In recognition of continued dedication to the Light The Night Walk and the mission of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The Young Hearts are awarded the “Relentless for a Cure” award.



Former Young Hearts team member, Alexa Romano, becomes the second college student to participate in the National Capital Area’s Man & Woman of the Year Campaign for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Through her successful “Love & Memories” campaign, Alexa is named First-Runner-Up for Woman of the Year.


The Young Hearts present Souvenir, the story of Florence Foster Jenkins, as their third full-length theatrical performance.



Mike Effron, Young Hearts supporter and former classmate of Sarah McLaughlin and Andrew Kepley, runs for National Capital Area Man of the Year. Through his successful “Keep the Light” campaign, Mike is named First-Runner Up for Man of the Year and receives the Volunteerism Award.


The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.



The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of A Christmas Carol.



Celebrating their 15th DC Light The Night Walk, The Young Hearts arrange an on-stage, large group hair donation to benefit Children With Hair Loss. With the help of Alexandre de Paris Salon, 13 girls donated at least 8 inches of their hair to create wigs for children with medical hair loss.


The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.



The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of Snow White and the Family Dwarf.



Once again, The Young Hearts facilitate a large group hair donation at the DC Light The Night Walk with Alexandre de Paris Salon. Over 20 ponytails donated to Children With Hair Loss.


The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.



Three Young Hearts, Ariel, Justin, and Jess, participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Students of the Year Campaign. This 7-week campaign celebrates the fundraising efforts of local high school students who participate in teams to raise as much as they can during the short time frame.


The Young Hearts partner with The Providence Players of Fairfax for their holiday production of The Phantom Tollbooth.



Two Young Hearts, Natalie & Catherine, participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Students of the Year Campaign. During their campaign, they facilitate another group hair donation with 25 ponytails donated to Children With Hair Loss. Their team also coordinates a mystery dinner fundraiser - perhaps one of our most creative fundraisers to date!



The Young Hearts mark 20 years in the fight against blood cancers by bringing together alumni, supporters, and volunteers for a 1920's-themed, reunion-style celebration!



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